Team BC Selection Policy
This policy aims to provide transparent selection criteria and processes to select the best possible Provincial Teams to represent BC in National and International competitions.
The policy outlines athlete eligibility, selection criteria, and selection policy to be adhered to related to Provincial Team programs.
Team BC Athlete Eligibility
Be a resident of British Columbia; and
Be registered with the Provincial Training Centre and in good standing with Water Polo West and Water Polo Canada.
Must acknowledge and adhere to the Water Polo West Code of Conduct and Commitment to Safe Sport.
Must not be subject to any disciplinary action or investigation of disciplinary action.
Must attend a Provincial Training Centre Evaluation Session.
Must submit Provincial Training Centre Athlete Profile.
If you plan to participate in the BCSSA, please review athlete eligibility rules here. ​​​
Team BC Selection Criteria
​Athlete selection will be based on, but not limited to, the following areas:
Technical competence (foundational and position-specific skills)
Fitness and physical capacities (speed, endurance, agility, aerobic capacity, mobility)
Tactical competence (decision-making, awareness, positional flexibility, reading the play)
Attitude (cooperation, receptiveness to feedback, adjustment to different skills and tactics, respect for players, coaches, officials, and support staff)
Team orientation (ability to connect with and respect teammates and coaches, influence team environment in a positive manner, demonstrate inclusivity and collaboration)
Competitive ability (temperament, resilience, commitment, performing under pressure, coping with obstacles, response to feedback)
Team balance (playing positions and age composition)
Team BC Selection Policy:​
All aspiring athletes must be observed at a Provincial Training Centre Evaluation Session.
Evaluation sessions are open to any eligible athlete who wishes to be considered for selection.
Water Polo West will provide at least two Evaluation Sessions for each Provincial Age Group.
Coaches may observe eligible athletes at local tournaments and league games.
Coaches will inform aspiring athletes of tournaments they will attend in advance.
If an athlete cannot attend an Evaluation Session for a legitimate reason (e.g. injury, illness, exam), the athlete or the athlete’s parent/guardian must notify Coaches of the reason for absence, ideally in advance of the relevant evaluation sessions.
If an athlete cannot attend any Evaluation Sessions, the Coaches will consult with Water Polo West’s Executive Director to review the athlete’s selection into the Provincial Team on a case-by-case basis.
The calendar of PTC and Team BC events can be found here.